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What is wireless remote control doorbell?

Date:2019-11-14 Views:1013

The remote doorbell refers to the doorbell switch, that is, the doorbell transmitter and the indoor unit can be operated by wireless remote control. The remote doorbell is also called the wireless remote doorbell. The common remote doorbell has a wireless remote doorbell without a battery and a wireless wireless battery. Remote doorbell. A wireless doorbell that does not use a battery means that the transmitter uses an energy capture technique that collects the energy of the user when the doorbell button is pressed and converts it into electrical energy to drive the doorbell generator to ring. Its indoor unit, that is, the doorbell sounder needs to be connected to the mains. The control signal generated by the doorbell button is transmitted through the wireless signal transmitter, and the wireless signal receiver of the indoor unit receives the wireless signal and then rings. The active wireless doorbell is the doorbell that is often seen in daily life. The transmitter is powered by a 12V battery. The receiver is powered by a battery or connected to the mains. The control signal generated by the doorbell button is transmitted through the wireless signal transmitter. The wireless signal receiver receives this wireless signal and then rings.
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