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How does Inverter work?

Date:2019-10-23 Views:1538

The inverter converts DC power (battery, battery) into alternating current (typically 220v50HZ sine or square wave). In general, an inverter is a device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). It consists of an inverter bridge, control logic and filter circuits. 

Simply put, an inverter is an electronic device that converts low voltage (12 or 24 volts or 48 volts) direct current to 220 volts AC. Since the 220 volt AC is usually rectified into a direct current, and the inverter has the opposite effect, it is named. In a "mobile" era, mobile office, mobile communications, mobile leisure and entertainment. In the moving state, not only the low-voltage direct current supplied by the battery or the battery, but also the 220-volt AC which is indispensable in the daily environment is needed, and the inverter can meet the demand.
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